mIRC -> Tutorials -> 05

I wasn't really sure what to do next for my tutorial but then someone asked me about while loops so here you go :)
First a simple example to give you the basics.

set %i 1
while (%i < 10) {
  echo while loop: %i
  inc %i
That's it! While loops are very very easy to both code and use. First you set a variable to a value (in this case we give %i the value 1), then we tell mIRC "how" it should loop (as long as the value of %i is below 10) and what it should do when it loops (echo the %i value and increase it with one).
They're also very dynamic so you can put pretty much anything you want inside the loop condition ($lines, $ctime, variables, $read) and it will work. Two more examples, one easy on how to integrate the above code with an on text event and a more advanced one (use the helpfile luke).
on *:text:!while*:#:{
  set %i 1
  while (%i < $2) {
    msg $chan looping... %i
    inc %i

massop {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $nick($1,0,a,o)) {
    mode $chan +oooooo $nick($1,%i,a,o) $nick($1, $calc(%i + 1),a,o) $nick($1, $calc(%i + 2),a,o) $nick($1, $calc(%i + 3),a,o) $nick($1, $calc(%i + 4),a,o) $nick($1, $calc(%i + 5),a,o)
    inc %i 6
Not a lot changed there, not a lot to change. As I said, while loops are extremely easy and very powerful. You tell it "do this until A equals B" and it does just that. One important thing: dont forget the "inc %i" command because otherwise mIRC will keep looping until %i reaches 10...which it of course never will.
The massop alias looks more complicated but it's very easy too, you type "/massop #channel" and it will op everyone who doesnt have op on the channel. %i is set to 1, and as long as %i is lower than all the people on the channel without op ($chan(#chan,0,a,o)) it will loop giving op to six people at a time. Look carefully at the code, see how $nick works and play a little with it. Go code! :)

BTW, if you're used to programming before you can also use a for-loop ala C++ if you feel more at home with that. Personally I think while-loops are easier to read and write.

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