mIRC -> Tutorials -> 03

A couple of minor scripts left for the reader to figure what they do and how it works:
(all those @ things means the script will ONLY execute if you have op on the channel, and use the helpfile luke)

on @*:join:#:{
  mode $chan +v $nick

on @*:part:#:{
  notice $nick byebye $nick -- see you soon!

on @*:text:!op *:#:{
  if (($2 ison $chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) {
    mode $chan +o $2
  else {
    msg $chan $2 isnt here or you're not opped!
This would make a pretty lame bot, but it would work. Now go play, I'll think of something better next time, perhaps a evil while loop and a nick completer :)

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