This page is meant to be an unnordered placeholder for all the little quirks in mIRC that either need little explanation or still warrant an in depth explanation.
When $eval() or $() is used to evaluate text that is just either "{" or "}", and N is a number greater than 0 and less than 4294967296, then $eval() returns N-1. Otherwise, $eval() returns text.
alias test { var %e = 8 while (%e) { echo -s Number: %e %e = $({,%e) } } }
(Note: There is some odd behavior for numbers greater than 4294967296, but they have not been explored in depth yet.)
$* appears to store the raw data as `~$*
alias test { tokenize 32 1 2 3 4 echo $left($*,1) $left($*,2) $left($*,3) $left($*,4) $right($*,1) $right($*,2) $right($*,3) $right($*,4) `~$* }
This returns:
` `~ `~$ 1 * $* ~$* 1 1 ` `~ `~$ 2 * $* ~$* 2 2 ` `~ `~$ 3 * $* ~$* 3 3 ` `~ `~$ 4 * $* ~$* 4 4
Furthermore, $* will only evaluate correctly when it is evaluated last. One way around this is to use brackets.